I've wanted to update my first somewhat garish attempt at website design almost from the moment I'd finished it. I learned a lot from designing the original site but I think the main problem was that I created it in lots of little pieces which then I put together without much thought as to how the various elements worked together. This site, however, has been designed as more of a whole. It's still brightly coloured and in a similar style to the previous one but I've tried to make it cleaner and keep the colour palette limited and cohesive. Although, the old version still lingers on, should anyone particularly want to revisit that colour scheme.

I'm reasonably happy with it, ideally I would have liked the pages to load a bit faster, but after working on it intermittently for over a year sometimes you just have to say enough.
Content wise, I'm afraid there isn't a lot of new animation to see. Although I have added a couple of the commercials I worked on at Framestore. There are still a few things I need to add, and hopefully I'll have some more animation tutorials to put up soon.
Check it out here.